For my senior capstone project in college I focused on the topic of discussing death more openly. The main part of my project consists of a book which provides information in hopes of sparking thought, conversation, or simply exposing people to new ideas.

Left: Cover Design Right: First and second pages

The maze or labyrinth-like design is meant to reflect the navigation aspect of thinking and talking about death. Many people also remarked that death and grief often felt like a maze.

Above is a full, digital version of my book.

As a takeaway for the project, I created a small booklet that provides space for the reader to reflect on after viewing the main book.

I felt as though a separate space to write and think might help in a continuing thought. I also wanted the booklet to be an approachable length that was not too text heavy. Pictured on the far right is a blank page with a light grey dot grid which repeats for three more spreads.

At the show, I displayed certain spreads in poster format. Specifically, quotes that most powerfully expressed comforting ideas that minimize fear when approaching the topic of death (and also when approaching my project!).

I also created a few buttons using the illustrations seen throughout the book.
Art Director: Michelle Bowers